JOURNAL OF YANGTZE RIVER SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTI ›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 89-92.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5485.2014.04.0192014, 31(04):89-92


Experimental Study on the Relationship Between Temperatureand Electrical Resistance for C30 Ordinary Concrete andC30 Steel Slag Concrete by Using Non-stress Meters

XU Bing1, XU Bing2, CAO Guo-fu2   

  1. 1.Shanghai Baosteel New Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201999, China;2.Engineering Testing Center, Shanghai Investigation, Design & Research Institute, Shanghai 200434, China
  • Received:2013-03-15 Revised:2014-04-04 Published:2014-04-01 Online:2014-04-04

Abstract: The relationship between temperature and electrical resistance for C30 ordinary concrete (Portland cement concrete) and C30 steel slag concrete is investigated in detail. On the basis of monitoring data obtained from non-stress meters, it was found that in both ordinary concrete and steel slag concrete, the temperate is linearly related to the electrical resistance. To be specific, in ordinary concrete the temperate is inversely proportional to electrical resistance while in steel slag concrete the temperate is proportional to electrical resistance. The above findings can be explained by the principles of non-stress meter and non-stress deformation of concrete in association with least-squares-fitted curve of monitoring data as follows: the temperature is inversely proportional to electrical resistance when the thermal expansion coefficient of concrete aggregate is smaller than the temperature correction (compensation) factor of non-stress meter, and vice versa.

Key words: non-stress meter, flood control wall, C30 ordinary concrete, C30 steel slag concrete, measurement temperature, electrical resistance, coefficient of thermal expansion, least squares fitting

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